phoenix dui lawyers


hi i'm david cantor with the law officesof david michael cantor. today i'm going to talk about the duidefense of no reasonable suspicion to stop. what doesthat mean? well in america, the police can't stopyou merely of a hunch or that you're in the wrongcolor in the wrong neighborhood

phoenix dui lawyers

phoenix dui lawyers, or because your vehicle looks to beat upto be in this nice area or because you're black man wearing ahoodie walking through a neighborhood there's all sorts of reasons why you can'tjust be stopped. they have to have reasonable suspicionthat you committed some type of crime.

so when we're dealing with dui thatmeans you have to have committed an actual traffic infraction, a speeding, weaving, driving without yourheadlights on, but they can't stop you for a pretextreason; meaning well he weaved within his lane and he looks hispanic or black or let's face it it's one or two in themorning were downtown tempe there's a lot of bars let's just put this guy over he'sprobably dui he's probably been drinking. the key case

in arizona is livingston. in livingston, gentlemen weaved three-times six inchesover the line while he was traveling at fifty miles per hour arounda curve up by globe arizona, well they pulled them over and sureenough they found hundreds of pounds of marijuana. but guess what, this particular patrol was designed to look for drugtraffickers and they just had a hunch that this iswhat he was and going of his race and the use thetraffic infraction weaving as their excuse

the court said no, no, no, that was apretext stop. this happens all the time with dui,we get the case dismissed all the time we can show no, this officer was camped out in frontof a bar and he claims that the individual made a wide right turn orweaved a little bit or did a california stop. go to our victory section a that's our website, you can see all of our wins, or if you want to contact us for freeoffice consultation, fill out the form

or give us a call. now we'll meet with you, it'll take 30 minutes but it won't cost you a dime and we'll go over your casewith you from top to bottom we'd love to help you out.

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